End of time in 2006

Wow! Some time has passed since I wrote the last comments on my life... Do I have to apologize? Well, I'm not quite sure as nobody really accused me for being negligent in blogging. But nevertheless for those of you visiting my page at least irregularly I feel ashamed. A little.
Anyway to start with, I hope that everybody had perfect days of joyful celebration and inspiring being-together wherever on this globe. in this regard I was happily surprised to receive Christmas post not only from different parts of Germany, but also from Portugal, Sweden, Turkey, Greece, the United States, Australia and Marocco! Thanks to all of you!!!
For myself, I'm still having wonderful days with my family at home in Ingolstadt where we celebrated the Holy Eve (on 24 December) and the following two days. On that evening my grandma came for a visit, we sat around the Christmas tree, glittering lights and brilliant decorations (bowles, stars, and figurines made of silver and gold, glas and wood) being reflected in our eyes. For me, it was a special moment when I recalled last year's Christmas evening that I spent with Martin (I hope you're fine, man!) in a pleasant restaurant in Beyoglu/ Istanbul where some Christmas traditions seem to be adopted by the Turkish culture, i. e. Noel Baba comes to give presents to the children although this happens in New Year's morning.
Despite the fact that this was also nice evening with Martin, I realized then the very core of Christmas: it is a ceremony that is made for the family, a holiday whose aim is to reassemble all family members at one place - a goal which is for me, saying with last year's experience in my mind, even more important in our days when moving quickly between time and spaces is easier than ever before. Now that I stood in front of the Christmas tree, together with my parents, my brother, my 90-year old granny, I became aware of this feeling again.
I hope that this year's Christmas - or any similar holiday : Hanukka, Eid al-Adha or other ones - feed all of you with the same feeling of not being alone.
Well, let me conclude briefly with some more stories. Our Christmas evening went on with having a absolutly delicious feast prepared by my mom: we had fine shrimps with salads as starter, being followed by a hare and roe roast with Spätzle (impossible to find a English translation or explanation) and pear (hmmmm!!!), and finally two desserts: hot apples with almond ice cream and mousse au chocolat with cointreau-oranges. It was a firework of indulgents, believe me!!! The last days I spent reposing, reading, sleeping, watching TV, meeting friends and relatives - probably similar to your own schedule, dear reader!
Tomorrow I will participate as a driver in a hunting drive organized by my dad and my brother who are hunters each. It will be about nine hours of walking in fields and forests shouting strang sounds (like "Huraxdax" or "Hoshoshos") to make the animals start to run and to be shot (and hopefully duffed) by the hunters. Then, on 30 December my brother, a friend and me will go to Hamburg to celebrate New Year together with our cousin.
And then ... well, let say the only thing that happens for sure will be the start of a new year. Things may change or remain the same, nobody - or God - knows.
Keep hope, love, and trust! Best wishes for 2007!
Sincerely yours